date4love - Free dating site
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27 Jul | 18:01
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177 Online
117 Men, 60 Women
Useful Tips for better use this site
Sorting your search results
Useful tip
Sorting your search results
It's possible to sort your search results in different ways. You may save the criteria permanently in "search preferences" or change it each time you search.
Create a private mail folder
Useful tip
Create a private mail folder
You may create a private mail folder in order to help you organize your mail more efficiently.
Write the folder name then click this icon to create a private mail folder.
Temporary Search
Useful tip
Temporary Search
A "Temporary search" means that your current search preferences are not stored within your profile, but are only used for this specific search.
Member with a Public photo
Useful tip
Member with a Public photo
You will see this icon in the "Currently online" window, indicating this member has a public photo. Any member can change one or more photo's status to private at any time !
Attach photos to your profile
Useful tip
Attach photos to your profile
Only members with public photos show in matches sent to other members.
Attach photos to your profile
Useful tip
Attach photos to your profile
Members with photos show first in search results of others that choose this option.
Permission for private photos
Useful tip
Permission for private photos
This lock icon shows only in profiles that contain private photos. Use it to get permission from another member to view his/her private photos.
Attach remarks to any profile
Useful tip
Attach remarks to any profile
To help you remember any info relevant to another member, you may write a remark in his or her profile. Those remarks are for you only ! The profile's owner will not see any remarks attached to his profile.
Add to my favorites
Useful tip
Add to my favorites
We recommend using the favorites list. You will get an instant message indicating that a member in your favorites just logged in. So you won't miss the chance to connect !
My photos
Useful tip
My photos
Use My photos screen to manage your photos. You may upload new photos, delete, choose your "Main" photo or make any photo private or public.
Member with a Private photo
Useful tip
Member with a Private photo
You will find this icon in the currently online window, indicating this member has a private photo. Any member can change one or more photos status to public at any time !
Allow others to see your priv. pics
Useful tip
Allow others to see your priv. pics
In any profile, you may use this icon to grant others permission to see your private photos.
Later, you may disable this option for a certain member, by deleting his/her entry from your list : "Allowed to see my private photos".
Your contact information
Useful tip
Your contact information
Fill in your contact information (phone, msn or icq numbers) to help you attach those to a message you send here, or to send it when chatting online. This information will remain secret and not shown to anyone !
Add to favorites
Useful tip
Add to favorites
Add another member to your "Favorites" list. When a member is listed in your "Favorites", when you are online, you will get an instant message indicating if they are too !!!
Email notify on new message here
Useful tip
Email notify on new message here
When someone writes you a new message here, you will get an email notification. In Preferences you may choose to disable this option.
Automatically transfer your free text from other sites
Useful tip
Automatically transfer your free text from other sites
Save time by transferring your free text from your profile in another dating site by clicking the Get Text button located in My Profile.
Block members by criteria
Useful tip
Block members by criteria
Block unwanted members from writing you a message or chatting with you based on age, height, status, or gender in "My Blocks".
Delete a private mail folder
Useful tip
Delete a private mail folder
To delete a private mail folder, you will need to be inside that folder. Then, click this icon. All messages from this folder will automatically be moved to "Deleted" mail folder.
Who is currently online
Useful tip
Who is currently online
Use Currently Online screen to see all members currently online.
You may also open a window with Males/Females/Couples on the left panel.
How to focus your searches
Useful tip
How to focus your searches
Using Reverse Filters will improve your search results. These are located under your "Search Preferences". Learn more about Reverse Filters in our Help system.
Attach photos to your profile
Useful tip
Attach photos to your profile
Members with photos are more popular, many more inquiries than others.
Set "My Matching" frequency
Useful tip
Set "My Matching" frequency
Your matches are sent to you on a regular basis via email. You may change the frequency in Preferences to get them daily, twice a week, weekly bi-weekly and monthly. You may choose not to get those matches at all !
Changing your password
Useful tip
Changing your password
We recommend that you change your password frequently to ensure better security and privacy. This can be done under "Change Password".
Add to my black list
Useful tip
Add to my black list
The black heart icon is used to add someone to your "Black list". This will prevent this member from writing to you or calling you for an online chat.
Move message to a private folder
Useful tip
Move message to a private folder
Move all marked messages to any private folder. Choose a private mail folder to move to, then click this icon.
Online chat
Useful tip
Online chat
Use this icon to initiate an online chat with a member currently online.
Please wait at least 1 minute with the chat window open, to let the other member join the chat !
New or updated member
Useful tip
New or updated member
Indicates a new profile or a profile updated within the past week. Any profile with new data (i.e. free text, photos) will have this icon.
Write a new message
Useful tip
Write a new message
Use the pencil icon to write a new message to another member.